Gustave Adolphe Bernardel

Violin maker
(1832 – 1904)

Son and pupil of Auguste-Sébastien. In 1860 he became a partner in his father's workshop and upon his father's retirement in 1866 he and his brother, Ernest Auguste, took over the business. Became partners with Charles Eugène Gand to form Gand ...Read More & Bernardel Frères.

Bernardel became sole owner of this company in 1892, at which point he continued as Gustave Bernardel until his retirement in 1901, when he sold it to Caressa & Français. Instruments all made of a very fine quality; used oil-based varnishes. Read Less

Price History

- The auction record for this maker is $33,028 in Nov 2022, for a violin.
- 134 auction price results.

View all auction prices for Gustave Adolphe Bernardel




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