Antonio Stradivari, Cremona, 1712, the 'Davidoff'
Cello: 40277
Back: Two-piece, quarter-cut
Ribs: slab-cut
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"The Stradivari, in the other hand, has a remarkable combination of attributes. The pianissimos float effortlessly. The instrument's response is instantaneous. The sound can be rich, sensuous or throbbing at every range, yet can also be clear, cultured and pure. Each sound stimulates the player's imagination. However, there is no room for error as one cannot push the sound, rather it needs to be released. Since 1983 the cello's sound has been growing constantly, becoming richer, deeper and fuller. Part can be attributed to constant playing, causing it to vibrate more fully. Part may be due to my own changing aural aesthetics." – Yo-Yo MaJ. & A. Beare - Notable Sales
The 'Davidov' was constructed around Stradivari's so-called B mould. This mould was probably developed by the family in the first decade of the 18th century. Previously Stradivari's cellos were much larger and almost all of the 35 or so that have survived have since been reduced. About 20 instruments were made to the more manageable specifications of the B pattern; however, their outlines indicate that more than one B type mould may have been employed. Much later the Stradivari family made an even smaller model known now as the B Picola, but it never proved as successful as the normal B pattern, which became the standard design for almost every cello maker since the beginning of the 19th century.
Shine On, Roger Hargrave, The Strad, December, 2001, London
"Made in 1712, supposedly for the Duke of Tuscany, Wielhorsky had obtained the instrument from a Count Aparxin for an unusual compensation: his Guarnerius cello, 40,000 francs and the handsomest horse from his stable!"
Immediate Impressions, Edward Sainati, The Strad, October, 1988, London
"The way in which Davidoff became possessed of his wonderful Stradivarius violoncello was a very strange one. The late Czar, Alexander II., used to give musical entertainments at his palace. On one occasion Rubinstein, Wieniawsky. and Davidoff were present. A certain Count Wielhorsky (noted for his love of art and his absentmindedness), received the artistes, when Davidoff at once noticed that the Count was very nervous and excited. Asking what the matter was, Davidoff received the following answer: 'To day I celebrate my seventieth birthday, and in a way of my own; I present you with my Stradivarius violoncello.' Davidoff took this for a joke, but he very soon found out that the Count was quite in earnest. The music began, and after the first trio the emperor spoke to Wieniawsky, remarking upon the lovely tone, of his violin, and asking him what make it was. A Stradivarius, your Majesty, was Wieniawsky s answer, whereupon the emperor remarked to Wielhorsky: 'You have also a Strad, have you not '. The count said, "No, your Majesty, I used to have one, but I gave it to-night to Carl Davidoff." The new owner of the violoncello now saw that the count had indeed not been joking. Wielhorski had bought the instrument from Count Apraksin for the sum of 50,000 francs (£2,000), and in addition to two beautiful horses. Wielhorsky had, for a long time past, intended to present his instrument to that 'cellist, who should play Romberg's Swiss Concerto best, and after he had given his violoncello to Davidoff he said: 'It is true I have never heart you play Romberg's Swiss Concerto, but I cannot imagine anyone playing it better than you.' "
Carl Davidoff, Carl Fuchs, The Strad, 1892, London
Presented to Karl Davidov by Price Vielgorsky. The latter paid 75,000 Francs, 5 Arabian horses, and several silver vases for it.
Played by Pablo Casals in 1912 at a small concert at the house of Gabriel Gaupillat.
Count Apraxin | |
from 1712 | Grand Duke of Tuscany, Cosimo III de Medici |
until 1870 | Count Matvey Vielgorsky |
from 1870 and in 1872 | Karl Davidov |
... | ... |
from 1900 and in 1902 | Gabriel Gaupillat |
until 1928 | W. E. Hill & Sons |
in 1928 | Sold by Rudolph Wurlitzer Co. |
in 1929 | Sold by Rudolph Wurlitzer Co. |
1929-1964 | Herbert N. Strauss |
in 1964 | Sold by Rembert Wurlitzer Inc. |
in 1964 | Sold by John & Arthur Beare |
from 1964 | Jacqueline du Pré |
from 1988 | Current owner |
Known players
Jacqueline du Pré, Karczmit, Karl Davidov, Raya Garbousova Biss, Yo-Yo Ma
Certificates & Documents
- Dendrochronology report: John C. Topham, Surrey Dating the youngest tree ring to 1674.
Cozio holds copies of many certificates and other documents, some of which are available to view on request. Please contact us if you wish to view a particular document. (Note that we do not always have permission to share documents.)
…And They Made Violins in Cremona from Renaissance to Romantic Era, Conzorzia Liutai & Archetti A. Stradivari Cremona, Cremona (illustrated)
The Strad 2011 Calendar: Cello Heroes, Newsquest Specialist Media, London (illustrated)
- Antonio Stradivari: His Life & Work (1644-1737), W. Henry, Arthur F. & Alfred E. Hill, William E. Hill & Sons, London, 1902
- The Strad, 1892, Carl Fuchs, London, Mar 1892
How Many Strads? (1999 edition), Doring, Bein & Fushi, Bein & Fushi, Chicago, 1999 (illustrated)
- How Many Strads? - Supplemental Remarks
I Capolavori Cremonesi della Royal Academy of Music, Consorzio Liutai Antonio Stradivari, Cremona (illustrated)
- The Strad, October, 1988, Edward Sainati, London
- J. & A. Beare - Notable Sales
Luthier's Corner | Just another WordPress site
- Private Archives - 10842
The Strad, December, 2001, Roger Hargrave, Orpheus, London (illustrated)
- Stradivarius: Five Violins, One Cello and a Genius
The Jacques Français Rare Violins, Inc. Photographic Archive and Business Records, 1844-1998, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC (illustrated)
Violin Iconography of Antonio Stradivari 1644-1737, Herbert K. Goodkind, Larchmont, NY (illustrated)