Anselmo Bellosio

Violin maker
(1743 – 1793)

One of the last important makers of the 18th century Venetian school, Anselmo Bellosio moved to Venice in the early 1760s and probably learned his craft in the workshop of Giorgio Serafin in the 1770s. Interestingly, some of his instruments bear labels dating from 1754, but are evidently back-dated as Bellosio was born in 1743. ...Read More In general, examples of work bearing his label are quite rare. He took over Serafin's shop in 1777, where he continued to build violins of superior craftsmanship, with characteristic Venetian varnish, despite a precipitous decline in demand for string instruments. He trained two assistants, one of whom, Marco Antonio Cerin, was nearly his equal as a maker, but effectively ceased to work after Bellosio's death in 1793. Read Less

Price History

- The auction record for this maker is $78,750 in Jun 2002, for a violin.
- 13 auction price results.

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