Jenny Bailly
Violin maker
(1874 – c. 1960)
Jenny Bailly is one of the first recorded female violin makers. She was already assisting her father, Paul Bailly, by the age of 12 and worked with him until his death in 1907, when she took over his workshop at 197 rue de Grenelle, Paris. She moved the workshop to 12 rue Davis, then left Paris for Méru (Oise) in around 1935. She died after 1955.
Price History
- The auction record for this maker is $16,479 in Nov 2005, for a violin.
- 40 auction price results.
View all auction prices for Jenny Bailly
Violin -
c. 1910
Violin -
c. 1910
Violin -
c. 1940
Violin -
c. 1950
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