Erminio Farina
Violin maker
(1885 – 1917)
Initially employed by the firm of Monzino and Sons, Erminio Farina became acquainted with colleague Riccardo Antoniazzi in the first years of the twentieth century and was quickly taken under his wing. The two collaborated closely from about 1910 until Antoniazzi's death in 1912, at which point Farina succeeded him in the workshop before returning to Monzino in 1914. Farina's work, which shows great precision, largely follows his teacher's stylistically. Although he distinguished himself in the carving of the scrolls, his typical models and varnish are the same used by Antoniazzi during his time with the Monzino firm. Farina used the Monzino label until 1912, when began to use his own, and also adopted a brand similar to his teacher's: his initials inscribed in a circle with a cross. Sadly he died only 5 years after Antoniazzi.
Price History
- The auction record for this maker is $32,795 in Nov 1998, for a cello.
- 10 auction price results.
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