Léon Victor Mougenot, Brussels, c. 1935

Violin: 76122

Labeled, "Leon Mougenot Gauche, ex ouvrier des les maisons de, Bruxelles Lyon Paris Londres."

Back: in two pieces of quarter cut maple with medium-width flames descending from the centre and becoming fainter towards the edges.

Top: in two pieces of spruce with medium width grain expanding towards the edges.

Scroll: of plainer figure.

Ribs: of similar wood to the back.

Varnish: of an orange brown colour.

Length of back: 35.6 cm

Upper bouts: 16.8 cm

Middle bouts: 11.6 cm

Lower bouts: 20.7 cm


until 2016 Anonymous
in 2016 Anonymous
in 2016 Sold by Tarisio
from 2016 Current owner


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