Giovanni Battista Guadagnini, Turin, 1782, the 'Mosenthal'

Violin: 69067

Bearing its original label.

Back: One-piece

Varnish: Dark red-brown

Length of back: 35.3 cm

Upper bouts: 16.5 cm

Middle bouts: 11 cm

Lower bouts: 20.3 cm

There are 15 additional images in the archive which are not available publicly. Please contact us for more information.


Late Turin period of Giovanni Battista Guadagnini’s work, made at a time when he had ceased working for Count Cozio di Salabue. However, the influence of the many great Stradivari instruments from Cozio’s famed collection remains clearly visible. In particular, its exceptional and powerful tone derives from the flatter, bolder arching that the seventy one year old Guadagnini had adopted and which makes these instruments the most desirable for violinists. In fact, one could argue that for the musician, the best examples from his last period are fourth in line after the violins of the great makers Stradivari, Guarneri and Bergonzi

Beares Auctions Catalogue October 2014, J & A Beare Auctions


in 1947 Sold by Emil Herrmann, New York
from 1947 Everett O'Bannon
in 2014 Sold by J & A Beare Auctions

Certificates & Documents

  • Certificate: Emil Herrmann, New York, New York, NY #3564.

Cozio holds copies of many certificates and other documents, some of which are available to view on request. Please contact us if you wish to view a particular document. (Note that we do not always have permission to share documents.)


  • Beares Auctions Catalogue October 2014, J & A Beare Auctions
  • The Jacques Français Rare Violins, Inc. Photographic Archive and Business Records, 1844-1998, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC (illustrated)


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