Francesco Guadagnini, Turin, 1937

Violin: 61354

Bearing its original label and branded Internally: "F. Guadagnini Torino."

Back: One-piece

Length of back: 35.8 cm


"This violin is characteristic of his late work, and is emphatically branded internally on both plates as well as carrying his authentic and original label of 1937. In that year, aged 74, he contributed both a violin and a quartet to the great Stradivari Bicentennial exhibition in Cremona, and this example, given its exemplary condition and character may well be from this group. The Guadagnini workshop itself was brought to a final close by action in the Second World War. This violin is determinedly in the style of his ancestor, Giovanni Battista Guadagnini, sharing the form of scroll, and the distinctive oval finials to the soundholes, but covered in a transparent red-orange varnish of somewhat harder consistency. The neck is original and ungrafted, raised slightly at the root, the condition exceptional overall."

Brompton's Fine Musical Instruments Auction Catalog, March 5, 2012, London, Brompton's Fine Musical Instruments Auction Catalog, March 5, 2012, London, London


in 2012 Sold by Brompton's


  • Brompton's Fine Musical Instruments Auction Catalog, March 5, 2012, London, London (illustrated)


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