Antonio & Girolamo Amati, Cremona, 1611

Violin: 55777

Bearing its original label, "Antonius, & Hieronymus Fr. Amati Cremonen. Andrea Fil F 1611."

Back: One-piece

Length of back: 35.2 cm

Upper bouts: 16.0 cm

Middle bouts: 10.9 cm

Lower bouts: 19.8 cm

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Condition Report by John Dilworth: "The violin is in my opinion a characteristic and representative example of the work of the brothers Amati, although the head is a later replacement. It is in good condition overall, and the accumulated wear and restoration work necessary in its four hundred years of existence is concentrated largely on the front, as is usual.

The back is made of a single piece of slab-cut maple, showing a broad and irregular horizontal figure. With only non-original pieces being an ebony crown on the top button and a small and well fitted cap on the lower left corner, it is in a remarkably fine state of preservation with no signs of damage or alteration. The general thickness is as would be expected, with the centre measurement of 4.5mm descending to around 2mm at the edges. The ribs are of plain maple cut on the half-slab, and are also very well preserved, although there are shrinkage cracks in the lower ribs, which are partly lined, and in the upper bass rib.

The front has a dozen substantial repaired cracks in the lower bouts, and one detectable crack in the upper bass bout. A transverse crack in the lower treble bout below the soundhole is covered on the surface with numerous single grain-width 'dog tooth' inlays. There is a large and recently fitted soundpost patch, but little sign of any substantial support for the other cracks. The cracks do seem to be closed and at present there is no obvious sign of weakness overall; the arching seems to be strong and not excessively distorted. The edges remarkably appear to be entirely original, and there is no sign of half-edging, apart from a small reinforcement piece under the lower block. The thickness of the top is about 2.4mm at the maximum in the breast, diminishing to 1.7mm in the upper and lower bouts.

The varnish is well worn, but areas of deep warm golden colouration and fine texture remain on the back and ribs. The reflective ground seems relatively undisturbed, and the violin overall has a very fine appearance."

Brompton's Musical Instruments Auction Catalog, December 13, 2010, London, Brompton's Musical Instruments Auction Catalog, December 13, 2010, London, London


in 2010 Sold by Brompton's


  • Brompton's Musical Instruments Auction Catalog, December 13, 2010, London, London


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