Oreste Candi, Genoa, 1930, the 'Quartetto Gaspar da Salo'

Viola: 54334

Labeled, "Oreste Candi fece in Genova l'anno 1930", inscribed in ink "Quartetto 'Gaspar da Salo' No. 6" and branded internally "Oreste Candi Genova."

Back: Two-piece

Length of back: 40.9 cm


This instrument was sold as part of a quartet.

"The Quartet represents the final work of Oreste Candi which is confirmed by the inscription inside the cello dedicated to his pupil Lorenzo Bellafontana. It reads: 'Con questo strumento spendo l'opera mia di 45 anni di lavoro e con ciò offro un augurio di una piu fortunata vita d'arte al mio albero Bellafontana Lorenzo che a giorni si lancerà con . . . Vigore e con ardita passione nel gorgo della mia vita, nutrendo che nel corso di questo mi farà l'onore.' Translated: 'In these instruments culminate the last 45 years of my work and with this I offer my best wishes for the most fortunate life in art to my pupil Lorenzo Bellafontana who as from now will be setting out with the greatest of vigour the path that I have so far trodden and in as much he does me the greatest honour.'

Each instrument is in near mint condition and retains all the original fittings; the bridge, tailpieces, and pegs being made by Oreste Candi and bearing his brand (the bass bars and bridges have been replaced but are retained and will be included with the sale of the instruments)."

The entire quartet was sold for £59,000.

Bonhams Musical Instruments Auction Catalog, March 23, 1995, London, Bonhams, Bonhams Musical Instruments Auction Catalog, March 23, 1995, London, London


  • Bonhams Musical Instruments Auction Catalog, March 23, 1995, London, Bonhams, Bonhams, London (illustrated)


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