Girolamo Amati II, Cremona, 1693
Violin: 45731
Labeled, "Hieronymus Amatus Cremonen. Nicolai Figlius Fecit 1693."
Back: Two-piece of medium to narrow curl ascending slightly from left to right, with original wings in the lower bouts
Scroll: almost plain
Ribs: of curl similar to back
Varnish: Orange-brown on a golden ground
Length of back: 35.2 cm
There is 1 additional image in the archive which is not available publicly. Please contact us for more information.
until 1940 | W. E. Hill & Sons |
from 1940 | W. H. Tibbalds & Son |
until 1949 | W. E. Hill & Sons |
from 1949 | J. S. Cooper |
until 1950 | W. E. Hill & Sons |
from 1950 | Crofton Dalzell |
until 1959 | W. E. Hill & Sons |
from 1959 | Dr. Paul Leimdörfer |
until 1961 | W. E. Hill & Sons |
from 1961 | Current owner |
Certificates & Documents
Certificate: Henry Werro, Bern (1969)
Certificate: W. E. Hill & Sons, London (1964)
Certificate: W. E. Hill & Sons, London (1950)
Cozio holds copies of many certificates and other documents, some of which are available to view on request. Please contact us if you wish to view a particular document. (Note that we do not always have permission to share documents.)
Die Kunst des Geigenbaues (1997), Otto Möckel, Bernhard Friedrich Voigt, Berlin, 1997 (illustrated)
Four Centuries of Violin Making: Fine Instruments from the Sotheby's Archive, Sotheby's, Sotheby's, Boston (illustrated)
Sotheby's Musical Instruments Auction Catalog, November 22-23, 1989, London, Sotheby's, Sotheby's, London (illustrated)
- Sotheby's Photo Archive
W. E. Hill & Sons Photographic Archive (illustrated)