Nicolò Amati, Cremona, 1650
Cello: 44455
Labeled, "Nicolaus Amatus Cremonae Hieronymi (filii) ac. Antoni Nepos Fecit 16**."
Back: Two-piece, with a lateral wing inserted by the maker
Top: Four-piece
Varnish: Golden-brown
Length of back: 76.0 cm
Upper bouts: 35.6 cm
Middle bouts: 24.8 cm
Lower bouts: 45 cm
until 1920 | Madame Popov |
from 1920 | Russian State Collection, Moscow |
ROSIZO State Museum
Stradivari E I Grandi Liutai Cremonesi Dall'U.R.S.S., Cremona (illustrated)
The Great Russian Collection, Soglasie, Moscow (illustrated)