Giovanni Battista Guadagnini, Cremona, 1758
Violin: 44451
Labeled, "Joannes Baptista Guadagnini fecit Cremonae 1758."
Back: One-piece, with purfling made of poplar and dark-stained wood
Top: of medium-grained spruce
Ribs: from the same log as the back
Varnish: Golden-yellow
Length of back: 35.5 cm
Upper bouts: 16.55 cm
Middle bouts: 10.85 cm
Lower bouts: 20.2 cm
Gheorgij Morosov | |
Russian State Collection, Moscow |
Stradivari E I Grandi Liutai Cremonesi Dall'U.R.S.S., Cremona (illustrated)
The Great Russian Collection, Soglasie, Moscow (illustrated)