Antonio & Girolamo Amati, Cremona, 1629
Violin: 44450
Possibly original label, "Antonius & Hieronymus Fr. Amati Cremonen Andrea fil. F 1629."
Back: Two-piece
Top: of open-grained spruce
Varnish: Yellow
Length of back: 35.1 cm
Upper bouts: 16.3 cm
Middle bouts: 11.15 cm
Lower bouts: 20.15 cm
"[This violin] ... is clearly the work of Nicola."Nicola Amati & the 'Alard', Roger Hargrave, The Strad, March, 1992, London
until 1920 | Pavel Vasilievich Zubov |
from 1920 | Russian State Collection, Moscow |
Known players
David Oistrakh
- The Strad, March, 1992, Roger Hargrave, Orpheus, London
ROSIZO State Museum
Stradivari E I Grandi Liutai Cremonesi Dall'U.R.S.S., Cremona (illustrated)
The Great Russian Collection, Soglasie, Moscow (illustrated)