Antonio Stradivari, Cremona, 1722, the 'Hamma, Vollrath'
Violin: 43094
Bearing its original label, "Antonius Stradivarius Cremonensis Faciebat Anno 1722."
Back: Two-piece
Length of back: 35.65 cm
Upper bouts: 16.75 cm
Middle bouts: 10.95 cm
Lower bouts: 20.7 cm
There are 2 additional images in the archive which are not available publicly. Please contact us for more information.
until 1910 | Enrique Fernández Arbós |
in 1910 | Sold by W. E. Hill & Sons |
1910-1911 | Hamma & Co. |
from 1911 | Georg Rauer |
until 1913 | Dr. Isador Berger |
1913-1930 | Dr. Theodor Krenn |
from 1930 | Dr. Maximilian Krenn |
Sold by Ludwig Tröstler | |
Erik Vollrath | |
Elisabeth Vollrath | |
until 1972 | Eric & Daniel Dolatre |
from 1972 | Bayerische Landesbank München |
Known players
Markus Wolf
Certificates & Documents
Letter: Hans Zunterer, Munich (1976)
Certificate: W. E. Hill & Sons, London (1931)
Letter: W. E. Hill & Sons, London (1931)
Certificate: Hamma & Co., Stuttgart (1911)
Cozio holds copies of many certificates and other documents, some of which are available to view on request. Please contact us if you wish to view a particular document. (Note that we do not always have permission to share documents.)
Alte Geigen (Hamma, circa 1910), Hamma & Co., Stuttgart (illustrated)
Antonius Stradivarius (Volumes I-IV), Jost Thöne, Jan Röhrmann, Alessandra Barabaschi, Jost Thöne Verlag, Cologne, 2010 (illustrated)
- Italian Violin Makers (1964), Karel Jalovec, Paul Hamlyn, London, 1964
Italienische Geigenbauer (1957), Karel Jalovec, Artia, Prague, 1957 (illustrated)
Meister Italienischer Geigenbaukunst (8th Edition), Hamma & Co., Florian Noetzel Verlag, Wilhelmshaven (illustrated)
Meisterwerke Italienischer Geigenbaukunst, Fridolin Hamma, Hamma & Co., Stuttgart (illustrated)
Violin Iconography of Antonio Stradivari 1644-1737, Herbert K. Goodkind, Larchmont, NY (illustrated)