Nicolò Amati, Cremona, 1645
Cello: 42779
Labeled, "Nicolaus Amatus Cremonen. / Fil. ac Antonij nepos Fecit 1660."
Back: Two-piece
Top: original wings added to all four flanks
Ribs: some cut on the slab, others quarter-cut
Length of back: 75.7 cm
Upper bouts: 37.1 cm
Middle bouts: 25.5 cm
Lower bouts: 45.7 cm
The Medici family coat-of-arms is inlaid with pearl on the original finger board.Violins at Florence, Ernest N. Doring, Violins & Violinists, October, 1946, Chicago
"The set-up with regard to the tuning pegs, fingerboard and bridge, may well bethat made by Bartolomeo Bimbin in 1793 on the occasion of a radical restoration of the instrument which included the reduction of the dimensions of the body by removal of a central section along with a minor dimunition ot the outline in the upper and lower bouts through the removal of the border together with the purfling and successively reapplied without the use of internal reinforcements."
The Amatis' DNA, Fausto Cacciatori, Bruce Carlson & Carlo Chiesa, the Amatis' DNA: A Dynasty of Stringed Instrument Makers in Cremona, Cremona
"Finally, the construction date of the instrument has been anticipated by a few years from that indicated on the label (1645-1650, instead of 1660) on the basis of the stylistic considerations and confirmed by the fact that the year is marked on a small rectangle of paper applied to the label and, therefore, is not an original part of it, although the modification must have been effected in the first years of the instrument's existence, given that the date 1660 is already registered in the inventory of 1700."
The Amatis' DNA, Fausto Cacciatori, Bruce Carlson & Carlo Chiesa, the Amatis' DNA: A Dynasty of Stringed Instrument Makers in Cremona, Cremona
in 1700 | Prince Ferdinand of Tuscany |
... | ... |
in 2003 | Istituto Cherubini, Florence |
…And They Made Violins in Cremona from Renaissance to Romantic Era, Conzorzia Liutai & Archetti A. Stradivari Cremona, Cremona (illustrated)
Antichi Strumenti: Collezioni dei Medici e dei Lorena (Conservatorio di Musica Luigi Cherubini), Giunti - Barbèra, Florence (illustrated)
L'Esposizione di Liuteria Antica a Cremona nel 1937, Comitato Stradivariano, Cremona (illustrated)
the Amatis' DNA: A Dynasty of Stringed Instrument Makers in Cremona, Fausto Cacciatori, Bruce Carlson & Carlo Chiesa, Consorzio Liutai Antonio Stradivari Cremona, Cremona (illustrated)
- Violins & Violinists, October, 1946, Ernest N. Doring, William Lewis & Son, Chicago