Giovanni Battista Guadagnini, Turin, 1775, the 'Zimbalist, Kaufman'

Violin: 42701

Bears the date 1771.

Back: One-piece

Varnish: Reddish-brown

There is 1 additional image in the archive which is not available publicly. Please contact us for more information.


"So closely resembles the ex-Joachim of 1775 and the ex-Wirth of 1757 that the three could be considered sister instruments, built from the same log and using the same patterns."

The Guadagnini Family of Violin Makers, Ernest N. Doring, Ernest N. Doring, The Guadagnini Family of Violin Makers, Chicago

"A very notable example and the only specimen nown to me bearing the original label of Turin dated 1771."

The Guadagnini Family - Part XVI, Ernest N. Doring, Violins & Violinists, October, 1944, Chicago


Sold by Erich Lachmann
Efrem Zimbalist
Sold by Rudolph Wurlitzer Co.
until 1924 Albert Caressa
from 1924 Erich Lachmann
from 1925 M. Zamustin
from 1927 and in 1954 Louis Kaufman

Known players

Louis Kaufman, Mitchell Stern


  • An Interview with the Violinist Louis Kaufman
  • The Strad, June, 1954, London (illustrated)
  • Private Archives - 10746
  • Violins & Violinists, October, 1944, Ernest N. Doring, William Lewis & Son, Chicago (illustrated)
  • The Guadagnini Family of Violin Makers, Ernest N. Doring, William Lewis & Son, Chicago (illustrated)


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