Jacob Stainer, Absam, 1669, the 'Gärtner'

Violin: 41773

Bearing a manuscript label, "Jacobus Stainer in Absam prope oenipontum 1659."

Back: Two-piece of broad curl

Top: of fine grain

Ribs: of figure similar to back

Varnish: Golden-brown

Length of back: 35.5 cm

Upper bouts: 16.9 cm

Middle bouts: 11.4 cm

Lower bouts: 20.7 cm

There are 7 additional images in the archive which are not available publicly. Please contact us for more information.


"Die im Jahre 1669 gebaute Geige wurde von dem unermüdlich nachforschenden Geigenmacher Gärtner auf einer Reise durch Italien aufgefunden und erworben, und zwar - es ist bei dem Alter des Instruments ein Wunder zu nennen - in dem Urzustande, nie geöffnet, mit dem ersten Bassbalken von Stainers Hand und ohne Risse oder sonstige Beschädigungen."

Bongartz's Musical Instruments Auction Catalog, November 12, 2011, Cologne, Bongartz's, Bongartz's Musical Instruments Auction Catalog, November 12, 2011, Cologne, Cologne


until 1917 Eugen Gärtner
in 1917 Julius Hempel
1917-1977 R. E. Berckmeyer
from 1977 Dr. Dinnigen
from 1989 Unknown
in 1989 Sold by Bongartz's
... ...
in 2021 Current owner

Certificates & Documents

  • Certificate: Hamma & Co., Stuttgart (1977)
  • Certificate: Giuseppe Fiorini, Zurich (1917)
  • Certificate: Eugen Gärtner, Stuttgart (1917)

Cozio holds copies of many certificates and other documents, some of which are available to view on request. Please contact us if you wish to view a particular document. (Note that we do not always have permission to share documents.)


  • Berühmte Geigen und ihre Schicksale, P. J. Tonger, Cologne (illustrated)
  • The Strad, January, 1990, Orpheus, London (illustrated)
  • Bongartz's Musical Instruments Auction Catalog, November 12, 2011, Cologne, Bongartz's, Bongartz's, Cologne (illustrated)
  • Bongartz's Musical Instruments Auction Catalog, November 20, 1989, Cologne, Bongartz's, Bongartz's, Cologne (illustrated)
  • Die Geigen und Lautenmacher vom Mitteralter bis zur Gegenwart, Willibald Freiherr von Lütgendorff, Frankfurter Verlags-Anstalt, Frankfurt am Main (illustrated)
  • Jakob Stainer: Leben und Werk des Tiroler Meisters, Walter Senn & Karl Roy, Verlag E. Bochinsky, Frankfurt (illustrated)


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