Antonio Stradivari, Cremona, 1728, the 'Smith, Barrett, Fuchs'
Violin: 41546
Labeled, "Antonius Stradiuarius Cremonensis / Faciebat Anno 1710."
Back: Two-piece
Length of back: 35.5 cm
Upper bouts: 16.1 cm
Middle bouts: 10.8 cm
Lower bouts: 20.3 cm
There are 5 additional images in the archive which are not available publicly. Please contact us for more information.
Joseph Fuchs: "When I first visited England I had my small Strad with the 1710 label with me. He [Alfred Hill] recognized it immediately. He knew where he had seen it; he knew what was wrong with it, and he knew why the previous owner had sold it. 'It is a pretty little fiddle. Absolutely genuine,' he said, 'but it is not from 1710; it's from 1728. Don't let anybody tell you that the earlier date is correct. The label is wrong.'"Joseph Fuchs: An Interview with William Salchow, Journal of the Violin Society of America, Vol. IV, No. 1, Lancaster, PA
in 1944 | Joseph Fuchs |
Luigi Tarisio | |
in 1848 | Gand & Bernardel, Freres |
Caspar Gottlieb Meier | |
John Adam | |
Sold by David Laurie | |
Sold by W. E. Hill & Sons | |
Richard Bennett | |
Frederick Smith | |
Sold by Hamma & Co. | |
Felix E. Kahn | |
Joseph Fuchs | |
Sold by W. E. Hill & Sons | |
from 1948 and in 1950 | James Barrett |
... | ... |
in 1993 | Current owner |
Known players
Frank Peter Zimmermann, Joseph Fuchs
Certificates & Documents
Certificate: Étienne Vatelot, Paris (1991)
Certificate: Rembert Wurlitzer Inc., New York, NY (1948) Dates the instrument to 1727.
Certificate: Gand & Bernardel, Paris (1884)
Cozio holds copies of many certificates and other documents, some of which are available to view on request. Please contact us if you wish to view a particular document. (Note that we do not always have permission to share documents.)
Bundesministerium für Inneres, Austria (Federal Ministry of Internal Affairs)
Christie's Musical Instruments Auction Catalog, March 31, 1989, London, Christie's, Christie's, London (illustrated)
Exposition: Huit violons de Stradivarius, Claude Lebet, La Chaux-de-Fonds (illustrated)
- How Many Strads? (1999 edition), Doring, Bein & Fushi, Bein & Fushi, Chicago, 1999
- Interpol Database of Stolen Art
Italian & French Violin Makers, Volume 4, Jost Thöne, Jan Röhrmann, Jost Thöne Verlag, Cologne (illustrated)
- Journal of the Violin Society of America, Vol. IV, No. 1, The Violin Society of America, Lancaster, PA
- Private Archives - 10842
The Jacques Français Rare Violins, Inc. Photographic Archive and Business Records, 1844-1998, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC, Box 43 (illustrated)
- The Stradivarius Memorial Association
Violin Iconography of Antonio Stradivari 1644-1737, Herbert K. Goodkind, Larchmont, NY (illustrated)
Three Centuries of Italian Violin Making, Artemio Versari, Edizioni Il Salabue, Cremona (illustrated)
Violin, Antonius Stradivarius 1727, "Ex Smith" (unpublished monograph), Machold Rare Violins, Vienna (illustrated)