Antonio Stradivari, Cremona, 1718, the 'Mlynarski'

Violin: 41478

The head later.

Back: One-piece cut on the slab

Varnish: Orange-red

There are 21 additional images in the archive which are not available publicly. Please contact us for more information.


Owing to an injury to his left hand in childhood, Kolish had the instrument adjusted to be played left-handed. When Erich Lachmann acquired the violin, he had it restored to its original right-hand adjustment.

How Many Strads?, Doring, Bein & Fushi, Doring, Bein & Fushi, How Many Strads? (1999 edition), Chicago


until 1897 W. E. Hill & Sons
from 1897 Emil Szymon Mlynarski
in 1901 Dufresne
until 1902 Caressa & Français
from 1902 Dr. Milton Seligman
in 1935 Rudolph Kolisch
... ...
from 1944 Erich Lachmann
until 1953 William Moennig & Son
from 1953 Current owner

Known players

Rudolph Kolisch, Simone Lamsma, Viviane Bertolami


  • Alte Geigen (Hamma, 1898), Hamma & Co., Stuttgart (illustrated)
  • How Many Strads? (1999 edition), Doring, Bein & Fushi, Bein & Fushi, Chicago, 1999
  • Private Archives - 10746
  • Private Archives - 10842
  • Private Archives - 1610
  • Stradolinist
  • Violin Iconography of Antonio Stradivari 1644-1737, Herbert K. Goodkind, Larchmont, NY (illustrated)
  • String Player, Vol. 3, No. 2 (illustrated)


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