Antonio Stradivari, Cremona, c. 1667, the 'Jenkins, Thompson'
Violin: 40729
Labeled, "Antonius Stradiuarius Cremonensis Faciebat Anno 1667 AS."
Back: One-piece cut on the slab of horizontal broad curl, with a knot near the upper treble corner and root markings in the extreme upper bout and in the lower bouts
Top: Fine grain in the center, opening out towards the flanks
Scroll: Irregular medium to broad curl
Ribs: Cut on the quarter, of medium curl
Varnish: Golden brown on a golden ground
Length of back: 35.0 cm
Upper bouts: 15.9 cm
Lower bouts: 19.6 cm
until 1899 | Count Cesare Nichesola |
from 1899 | W. E. Hill & Sons |
from 1900 and in 1902 | J. Younger |
until 1947 | Miss Younger |
1947-1948 | W. E. Hill & Sons |
1948-1957 | Tom Jenkins |
1957-1995 | Michelle Jenkins |
in 1995 | Sold by Sotheby's |
from 1995 | Current owner |
Known players
Tom Jenkins
Certificates & Documents
Certificate: W. E. Hill & Sons, London (1948)
Cozio holds copies of many certificates and other documents, some of which are available to view on request. Please contact us if you wish to view a particular document. (Note that we do not always have permission to share documents.)
- A life on air
Four Centuries of Violin Making: Fine Instruments from the Sotheby's Archive, Sotheby's, Sotheby's, Boston (illustrated)
How Many Strads? (1999 edition), Doring, Bein & Fushi, Bein & Fushi, Chicago, 1999 (illustrated)
Sotheby's Musical Instruments Auction Catalog, June 20, 1995, London, Sotheby's, Sotheby's, London (illustrated)
- Sotheby's Photo Archive
The Violin Book, Bafalon, London (illustrated)
W. E. Hill & Sons Photographic Archive (illustrated)