Antonio Stradivari, Cremona, 1710, the 'Baron Rothschild, Gore-Booth'
Cello: 40707
Bearing its original label, "Antonius Stradiuarius Cremonensis / Faciebat Anno 1710."
Back: Two-piece of medium curl descending from the joint
Top: of medium grain, opening out towards the flanks
Ribs: of wood similar to back
Varnish: Golden orange
Length of back: 75.6 cm
Upper bouts: 34.2 cm
Middle bouts: 22.9 cm
Lower bouts: 43.8 cm
There are 58 additional images in the archive which are not available publicly. Please contact us for more information.
Sir Robert Gore-Booth | |
until 1953 | Baroness Clarice de Rothschild |
Anonymous | |
1953-1956 | Rembert Wurlitzer Inc. |
Anonymous | |
from 1956 and in 1963 | F. W. Friedler |
until 1890 | David Laurie |
until 1970 | Hans Weisshaar & Son |
from 1890 | Baron Nathaniel Rothschild |
1970-1971 | Rembert Wurlitzer Inc. |
from 1971 | Irving P. Tushinsky |
until 1938 | Baron Alphonse Rothschild |
1938-1956 | German authorities |
in 1956 | Baroness Clarice de Rothschild |
in 1956 | Sold by Rembert Wurlitzer Inc. |
from 1956 | F. W. Friedler |
until 1963 | Jacques Français |
from 1963 | A. Wallenstein |
1970-1978 | Irving P. Tushinsky |
in 1978 | Sold by Sotheby's |
from 1978 | Current owner |
Known players
Rocco Filippini
Certificates & Documents
Certificate: Jacques Français, New York, NY (1963) #721.
Certificate: Rembert Wurlitzer Inc., New York, NY (1956)
Certificate: Emil Herrmann, New York, New York, NY (1956)
Cozio holds copies of many certificates and other documents, some of which are available to view on request. Please contact us if you wish to view a particular document. (Note that we do not always have permission to share documents.)
- Antonio Stradivari: His Life & Work (1644-1737), W. Henry, Arthur F. & Alfred E. Hill, William E. Hill & Sons, London, 1902
Antonius Stradivarius (Volumes I-IV), Jost Thöne, Jan Röhrmann, Alessandra Barabaschi, Jost Thöne Verlag, Cologne, 2010 (illustrated)
Capolavori di Antonio Stradivari, Charles Beare, Arnoldo Mondadori S.p.A., Milan (illustrated)
Four Centuries of Violin Making: Fine Instruments from the Sotheby's Archive, Sotheby's, Sotheby's, Boston (illustrated)
The Strad, February, 2005, Carlo Chiesa, Newsquest Specialist Media, London (illustrated)
I violoncelli di Antonio Stradivari, Bruce Carlson, Conzorzio Liutai Antonio Stradivari, Cremona (illustrated)
The Strad, November, 1978, Robert Lewin, London (illustrated)
- Private Archives - 10072
- Private Archives - 10842
Sotheby's Highly Important Musical Instruments Auction Catalog, November 8-9, 1978, London, Sotheby's, Sotheby's, London (illustrated)
- Sotheby's Photo Archive
The Strad, August, 2016, Alessandra Barabaschi, Newsquest Specialist Media, London (illustrated)
The 'Secrets' of Stradivari, Simone Fernando Sacconi, Eric Blot Edizioni, Cremona (illustrated)
The Jacques Français Rare Violins, Inc. Photographic Archive and Business Records, 1844-1998, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC (illustrated)
Violin Iconography of Antonio Stradivari 1644-1737, Herbert K. Goodkind, Larchmont, NY (illustrated)