Annibale Fagnola, Turin, 1927

Violin: 72916

Labeled, "Hannibal Fagnola fecit Taurini anno Domini 1927, 3.12.27." Also labeled, "Joannes Franciscus Pressenda q. Raphael, fecit Taurini anno Domini 1829."

Inscribed to the upper rib, "Annibale Fagnola fecit Taurino 1927."

Back: in one piece of quarter cut maple with medium narrow flame descending from the treble side.

Top: in two pieces of spruce with medium width grain.

Ribs: and head of similar wood.

Varnish: or an orange-brown color.

Length of back: 35.1 cm

Upper bouts: 16.7 cm

Middle bouts: 11.2 cm

Lower bouts: 20.8 cm


until 2015 Anonymous
in 2015 Sold by Tarisio
from 2015 Current owner


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