Alfred Eugene Lanini, San Jose, CA, 1915, the 'Lanini Quartet'

Miscellaneous: 72723

Labeled, "Alfred Lanini, San Jose, California, 1915."

Two violins, a viola and a cello entered as a set in the Panama-Pacific International Exposition of 1915 in San Francisco. The quartet was awarded a Silver Medal, the original framed certificate of which accompanies the instruments. The instruments have been held in the family for 100 years. Viola is inscribed to the inside top, "Made by Alfred Lanini, pupil of Riccardo Antoniazzi of Cremona, for Panama California Exp. . . 1914".

Length of back: s 36.0 cm; 36.1 cm; 41.0 cm; 75.8 cm


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