Pietro Guarneri of Mantua, Mantua, 1690

Violin: 61755

Labeled, "Petrus Guarnerius Cremonensis fecit / Mantuae sub tit. Sanctae Teresiae 1701."

Back: Two-piece

Length of back: 35.5 cm


in 2012 Current owner

Certificates & Documents

  • Letter: John & Arthur Beare, London (2003) Stating that after a brief examination the violin also resembles the early works of Giuseppe Guarneri ~filius Andreae~.
  • Certificate: Andreas Woywod, London (2003)
  • Dendrochronology report: John C. Topham, Surrey (2001) Dating the youngest tree ring to 1684 and states that that the wood used for the treble side of the Guarneri top significantly matches the the wood used on a 1699 Antonio Stradivari violin Known as the Kustendyke, which resides in the Collection of the Royal Academy of Music. Topham makes note that the exceptionally strong cross matching and statistical analysis suggests that the treble side on the table of the Guarneri and the bass side of the 1699 Kustendyke were fabricated from the same tree.

Cozio holds copies of many certificates and other documents, some of which are available to view on request. Please contact us if you wish to view a particular document. (Note that we do not always have permission to share documents.)


  • Christie's Fine Musical Instruments Auction Catalog, April 26, 2012, New York, Christie's, Christie's, New York (illustrated)


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