Gaetano Sgarabotto, Vicenza, 1921

Violin: 53232

Labeled, " Cajetanus Sgarabotti Vincentinus fecit Vicenza anno Domini 1921."

Back: Two-piece

Length of back: 35.5 cm


"The violin has only had two owners since it was made in 1921. Goula Wann purchased it from her music professor in 1929 when the depression forced him to sell, he having ordered the violin from Sgarabotto himself. Goula Wann was an talented amateur violinist and played in several orchestras in the San Joaquin valley as well as in Sacremento, she played regularly with quartets and enjoyed classical music until marriage and children forced her to retire for some twenty years. The violin has been stored since Goula's death in 2006."

Brompton's Fine Musical Instruments Auction Catalog, October 5, 2009, London, Brompton's Fine Musical Instruments Auction Catalog, October 5, 2009, London, London


1929-2006 Goula Wann
in 2009 Sold by Brompton's


  • Brompton's Fine Musical Instruments Auction Catalog, October 5, 2009, London, London (illustrated)


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