Jean-Baptiste Vuillaume, Paris, 1827, the 'Drouet'

Violin: 50563

Inscribed "J. B. Vuillaume à Paris 1827 No.73" and labeled "Antonius Stradivarius Cremonensis Faciebat Anno 1706."

Back: One-piece

Varnish: Red-Gold

Length of back: 36.0 cm


"The violin has directly descended for three generations through the family of Jean Etienne Drouet, who died in 1990 at the age of 58. A much-respected musician, Drouet studied in Paris where he won the coveted Premier prix de Conservatoire de Paris. For many years, he held the position of solo violinist with the Orchestre du Capitole in Toulouse, and was a Professor of Music in that city's Conservatoire. "

Christie's Musical Instruments Auction Catalog, March 13, 2002, London, Christie's, Christie's Musical Instruments Auction Catalog, March 13, 2002, London, London


Jean Etienne Drouet
in 2002 Sold by Christie's


  • Christie's Musical Instruments Auction Catalog, March 13, 2002, London, Christie's, Christie's, London (illustrated)


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