Jean-Baptiste Vuillaume, Paris, 1840

Violin: 50368

Stamped, internally "Vuillaume" in the upper back and labeled "Jean Baptiste Vuillaume, Rue Croix des Petits Champs JBV" and signed by the maker in the internal upper treble bouts of the back and numbered by the top block.

Back: One-piece cut on the slab of horizontal medium to narrow curl

Top: of fine grain on the bass flanks opening out towards the centre and treble flanks

Scroll: of faint broad curl

Ribs: cut on the quarter of medium curl

Varnish: Golden

Length of back: 35.5 cm


"A VIOLIN after Nicolo Amati. . .

These instruments are understood to have been selected directly from Vuillaume by the virtuoso Ole Bull (b Bergen, 1810; d Lysoen, 1880) to form a quartet for a Norwegian client, together with a Stradivari copy violin. Grove (Vol 3, pp. 445-447) confirms that Bull occasionally spent time in Paris and notes, amongst other accolades, that he was the only violinist, apart from Paganini, ever to play a concert at the Opera. Grove further notes that Ole Bull was '...a connoisseur and collector of violins and an expert in their construction and repair, often working with Vuillaume when in Paris.' The first owner was active in the cultural establishment of Fredrikshald (now Halden) in Norway. In the 1960's ownership of the quartet passed to the their grandson, who loaned the instruments to the Philharmonic Orchestra of Oslo."

Sotheby's Musical Instruments Auction Catalog, November 2, 1993, London, Sotheby's, Sotheby's Musical Instruments Auction Catalog, November 2, 1993, London, London


  • Sotheby's Musical Instruments Auction Catalog, November 2, 1993, London, Sotheby's, Sotheby's, London (illustrated)


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