Giovanni Battista Guadagnini, Milan, 1749
Violin: 43900
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There are 2 additional images in the archive which are not available publicly. Please contact us for more information.
"Lütgendorff incorrectly ascribes the date to 1940 to fit with his erroneous ideas about when Guadagnini worked in Milan."The Guadagnini Family of Violin Makers, Ernest N. Doring, Ernest N. Doring, The Guadagnini Family of Violin Makers, Chicago
Current owner |
- Alte Geigen (Hamma, 1939), Hamma & Co., Stuttgart (illustrated)
- Die Geigen und Lautenmacher vom Mitteralter bis zur Gegenwart, Willibald Freiherr von Lütgendorff, Frankfurter Verlags-Anstalt, Frankfurt am Main (illustrated)
- The Guadagnini Family of Violin Makers, Ernest N. Doring, William Lewis & Son, Chicago