Charles Collin-Mézin fils, Paris, 1898
Violin: 123260
Labeled, "Ch. J. B. Collin-Mézin fils Luthier à Paris Rue de Faubg Poissonniere No. 10 1898."
Inscribed to the inside back, "Collin-Mézin" and, "1899." Branded to the upper block, "Collin-Mezin Paris." Branded to the inside top, "Collin-Mezin." Labeled to the inside back, "Rep. par E. Richard Luthier d'art 202, Rue Martinville Rouen 1943."
Length of back: 36.0 cm
Upper bouts: 16.9 cm
Middle bouts: 11.4 cm
Lower bouts: 20.9 cm