Hugues Emile Blondelet, Paris, 1928

Violin: 103837

Labeled, "H. Emile Blondelet, Luthier à Paris, no. G 83, année 1928. Grand prix, 1922, Marseille, président du jury, hors concours, Rio de Janeiro 1922, Gand 1923, Barcelone 1923, Strasbourg 1924."

Branded to the inside back, "H. Emile Blondelet," and to the lower ribs, "HE Blondelet." Branded to the treble C-bout lining with a half moon and a star.

Length of back: 35.8 cm

Upper bouts: 17.0 cm

Middle bouts: 11.5 cm

Lower bouts: 21.0 cm

There are 5 additional images in the archive which are not available publicly. Please contact us for more information.


until 2022 Anonymous
in 2022 Sold by Tarisio
from 2022 Current owner


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