Bernard Simon Fendt II
Violin maker
(1800 – 1852)
Bernard Simon Fendt II undoubtedly learned the craft of violin making from his father Bernhard Simon I in the workshop of John Betts, where the two men worked until the mid-1820s. Following his departure from the Betts firm, Fendt entered into several interesting partnerships, one with a teacher of dancing and fencing. Unfortunately his vast reserves of talent did not seem to compensate for his spendthrift habits, and Fendt died of tuberclosis, impoverished, in 1852. Fendt and his father were brilliant copyists of Cremonese models, and were among the earliest to copy 'del Gesù', whose popularity skyrocketed after Paganini's visit to London in 1831.
Price History
- The auction record for this maker is $74,441 in Jun 2010, for a bass.
- 58 auction price results.
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