Luiz Bellini

Violin maker
(1935 – 2015)

Brazilian maker who emigrated to the US, where he worked with Simone Sacconi at Rembert Wurlitzer’s shop in New York and then for Jacques Francais. He established his own shop in 1975, becoming known for his copies of Stradivari and Guarneri instruments; his clients included Ruggiero Ricci, Yehudi Menuhin, Gidon Kremer and Glenn Dicterow.

Price History

- The auction record for this maker is $29,942 in Mar 2022, for a violin.
- 11 auction price results.

View all auction prices for Luiz Bellini



Violin - 1961
New York, NY

Violin - 1977
New York, NY

Violin - 1989
New York, NY

Violin - 1993
New York, NY

Violin - 1993
New York, NY

Violin - 1997
New York, NY

Violin - 2004
New York, NY

Violin - 2006
New York, NY

Violin - 2012
New York, NY


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