Sergio Peresson
Violin maker
(1913 – 1991)
Born in Udine, Sergio Peresson made his first violins in Italy before moving to Venezuela in 1947 where he made new instruments and was repairer to the Venezuelan Symphony Orchestra. In the early 1960s he moved to Philadelphia and worked for the firm of William Moennig & Son from 1963-1971. In 1971 he moved to the suburb of Haddenfield and continued to make instruments until his death in 1991. His instruments are built mostly on a Guarneri pattern and have an easily recognizable style of antiquing.
Price History
- The auction record for this maker is $72,000 in Nov 2011, for a viola.
- 39 auction price results.
View all auction prices for Sergio Peresson
Violin -
Violin -
Philadelphia, PA
Violin -
Philadelphia, PA
Violin -
Haddonfield, NJ
Violin -
Haddonfield, NJ
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