Pierre Pacherele
Violin maker
(1803 – 1871)
Pierre Pacherele was probably trained in his hometown of Mirecourt, though information about his early life is scant. In the 1820s he travelled to Italy, and spent some time in Turin, where he probably met Giovanni Francesco Pressenda. As of 1826 he was living in Italy, and spent several months in Genoa before returning in 1829 to Turin, where he developed his skills working for various makers, including Pressenda. Pacherele returned to France in 1832 and settled in Nice, where he made his home despite frequent trips to Genoa and Turin, and seems to have continued his relationship with Pressenda, whose work was a clear inspiration to Pacherele. In general his instruments exhibit fastidious craftsmanship though they lack the virtuosity of his teacher's work. Labels bearing his name appear around 1834, which suggests that he had by that time opened his own workshop. Over time Pacherele gradually shed the influence of Pressenda, and his later instruments are more distinctive in style and varnish.
Price History
- The auction record for this maker is $49,336 in Nov 2002, for a violin.
- 26 auction price results.
View all auction prices for Pierre Pacherele
Violin -
c. 1820
Violin -
Violin -
c. 1830
Violin -
Violin -
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