Edoardo Marchetti

Violin maker
(1882 – 1926)

Though he was the son of important Turinese violin maker Enrico Marchetti and did some sort of apprenticeship in the trade, Edoardo Marchetti seems to have taken up violin making definitively only in his mid-30s. Edoardo, like his father, worked for Romano ...Read More Marengo Rinaldi, and he is largely responsible for many of the Rinaldi instruments dating from about 1920 until his premature death in 1926. Elements of his father’s work and Marengo’s influence are clear, especially in the heads. Overall Marchetti’s output was limited, but shows a certain individuality that surely would have developed given sufficient time and experience. Read Less

Price History

- The auction record for this maker is $36,348 in Jun 2014, for a violin.
- 9 auction price results.

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