Nicolas Pierre Tourte père

Bow maker / Violin maker
(c. 1700 – 1764)

Nicolas Pierre Tourte was initially employed as a carpenter until about 1742. His workshop produced both instruments and bows, and he became an important innovator in bow making. Violin bows of the period had convex fluted sticks without the metal screws that were the innovations of the next several decades. Encouraged by players seeking greater sonic power and tonal range, Tourte later experimented ...Read More with the concave sticks that came to define the outline of the modern bow by the end of the century.

He was joined in his workshop around 1756 by his elder son Nicolas Léonard, who became a successful maker in his own right, while his younger son François Xavier took his father's developments even further. Read Less

Price History

- The auction record for this maker is $29,218 in Jun 2011, for a cello bow.
- 9 auction price results.

View all auction prices for Nicolas Pierre Tourte père

Tourte family tree




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