Mitsuaki Sasano

Bow maker

Mitsuaki Sasano is a Japanese bowmaker who trained with Rudolf Neudorfer in Germany and Stéphane Thomachot in France. Having initially set up a workshop in Paris in 2001, he then decided to settle on the French Riviera in Nice.

Mitsuaki Sasano has received many awards for his bows: a gold medal from the VSA in 1998, a gold medal from the Mittenwald Competition in 2001, a silver medal from ...Read More the Manchester competition in 2001, and both the title of "meilleur ouvrier de France" and the Grand Prix of the Etienne Vatelot Competition in 2004. Read Less

Price History

- The auction record for this maker is $25,966 in May 2024, for a cello bow.
- 6 auction price results.

View all auction prices for Mitsuaki Sasano




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