Giovanni Battista Gabrielli

Violin maker
(1716 – 1771)

Leading 18th-century Florentine maker Giovanni Battista Gabrielli is regarded as the most successful adapter of the Stainer models that prevailed in central Italy during the period. His instruments bear a yellow-brown varnish, and although some are highly arched, in general his archings are less extreme than those of his contemporaries, ...Read More which distinguishes his work as superior. Gabrielli is thought to have trained the majority of makers in the succeeding generation, including the Carcassi brothers, and exerted an enduring influence on the Florentine school. His cellos are especially sought after. Read Less

Price History

- The auction record for this maker is $470,000 in Oct 2014, for a cello.
- 111 auction price results.

View all auction prices for Giovanni Battista Gabrielli




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