Antonio Amati
Violin maker
(c. 1540 – c. 1610)
Antonio Amati, son of the man credited with inventing the modern violin, worked in his father Andrea's shop for the twenty years preceding Andrea's death in 1577. In fact, most of the instruments bearing Andrea Amati's label from the late 1560s-1570s are probably the work of Antonio. Near the end of Andrea's life, his younger son Girolamo joined the workshop, and the two sons continued to collaborate after their father's death under a joint Brothers Amati label. The brothers parted, perhaps on unfriendly terms, in 1588, and after that Antonio's relationship to the Brothers Amati label is unclear. An overwhelming majority of the Brothers Amati instruments made after 1588 are the exclusive work of Girolamo. The exact date and cause of Antonio's death are unknown, but he is believed to have died around 1610.
Price History
- The auction record for this maker is $81,642 in Mar 1991, for a violin.
- 2 auction price results.
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