Giovanni Battista Morassi

Violin maker
(1934 – 2018)

Giovanni Battista Morassi was born in 1934 outside Udine and after showing early promise entered the International School of Violin Making in Cremona. He attended the school from 1951 to 1955 under the tutelage of Giuseppe Ornati and Ferdinando Garimberti, ...Read More and after his military service returned to take up a career educating some of the best twentieth century makers from Italy and abroad. Morassi replaced his former teacher Peter Tatar before becoming Maestro Liutao in 1971. He retired from the school in 1983, and passed away in 2018. Morassi's research and experimentation with materials and construction led to an admirable production of tonally excellent instruments built on classical Cremonese models and his own. Read Less

Price History

- The auction record for this maker is $84,225 in Oct 2024, for a cello.
- 80 auction price results.

View all auction prices for Giovanni Battista Morassi




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