François Lupot II

Bow maker
(1774 – 1838)

Born in Orleans, François Lupot II was trained as a violin maker by his father, Francois I, and was the younger brother of the renowned violin maker Nicolas Lupot. It is unclear how he learnt bow making, but his early work shows a pronounced Tourte influence and he seems to have worked for Leonard Tourte in Paris. Once Lupot set up his own Parisian establishment in 1815 he quickly made a name for ...Read More himself as a producer of high-quality bows. His mature work generally features round sticks, elegant heads with light chamfering and frogs without a pearl eye. He used two sizes of 'Lupot.' brand and occasionally 'Lupot à Paris'.

Lupot took on assistants including J.R. Lafleur and Dominique Peccatte, and the latter took over the workshop after Lupot's death. Read Less

Price History

- The auction record for this maker is $93,715 in May 2013, for a cello bow.
- 92 auction price results.

View all auction prices for François Lupot II

Lupot family tree




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