Tarisio now makes strings!
EVISCERATI are the first of our new range of natural solid-core gut strings, available for violin, viola and cello.
Offering the stability of modern synthetics with the tonal advantage of guts.
EVISCERATI are harvested using prime-grade* entrails and viscera from our own genetically modified sheep and donkeys.
In order to produce strings with a harmonious and well-rounded sound, our flocks are farmed nomadically. They can often be seen at public viewings and accompanying our experts for European valuation days.
Our varied range of string diameter and thickness is achieved using a carefully controlled diet. Most of our donkeys are on Atkins to produce lean yet tough strings, while fatter asses yield a more mellifluous tone.
The gut is prepared by our small-fingered workforce and purified using the finest high proof Lambrusco.
Our quality control testing ensures all our strings are pre-exposed to temperature and humidity extremities and are hand-stretched to ensure maximum tonal stability for musicians.
Tarisio is also the first string manufacturer to offer a rating system developed by our chief acoustical engineers, Itzo Zilli and Fulla Bologna. The ratings are awarded on a scale of 1 to 10 and are based on the collective judgment of a hand-selected panel of experts, musicians and butchers in order to guide prospective buyers.**
EVISCERATI is a revolution in string quality and selection for period musicians of the 21st century.
Order online only on April 1st
* Based on USDA guidelines. Viola strings only available in standard-grade.
** Ratings do not represent any form of guarantee by Tarisio. Pricing is not affected by ratings and no discounts will be available.
*** We LOVE Evah Pirazzi strings. We use them all the time and so should you.
Also available in fat tone and high tension screamer versions: