Giuseppe Ornati

Violin maker
(1887 – 1965)

One of the finest makers of the modern Milanese school, Giuseppe Ornati studied with Carlo Moneta before joining the Bisiach workshop, where he worked alongside Gaetano Sgarabotto and Bisiach's sons. Though his work shows the influence of Bisiach, Ornati ...Read More developed his own original style derived in part from classical inspiration, which balances precision of craftsmanship with a sense of freedom and spontaneity. Deep channeling at the edges and elongated corners are two features of his early work that softened over time. The reddish-orange varnish is superb in texture and tends toward cracquelure. Read Less

Price History

- The auction record for this maker is $156,000 in Nov 2021, for a violin.
- 45 auction price results.

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