Tommaso Balestrieri

Violin maker
(1713 – 1796)

Camillo Camilli and Tommaso Balestrieri rank among the best of Mantua's classical violin makers. Little detail concerning Balestrieri's training is known, but his work shows pronounced Cremonese features, which can be attributed to Pietro Guarneri's influence on the Mantua school in the late 17th to early 18th centuries. A prolific ...Read More maker, Balestrieri developed a wider model with flat arching that produces a powerful tone, making his instruments more highly sought-after by soloists than those of his contemporary Camilli. Though he is known for his violins, Balestrieri did make violas and cellos, some of which survive. Read Less

Price History

- The auction record for this maker is $621,575 in Mar 2015, for a violin.
- 63 auction price results.

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