François Peccatte

Bow maker
(1821 – 1855)

Younger brother of Dominique Peccatte, François Peccatte began his apprenticeship near Mirecourt but left to join his brother in Paris sometime around 1840. Dominique was a formative influence on his brother's work, which features square, strong heads and is of good quality. The brothers collaborated on certain bows, especially ...Read More after François returned to Mirecourt in 1842, where Dominique followed in 1847. Bows produced by joint effort often bear the brand of one brother while being more in the style of the other.

François maintained a separate workshop from his brother's in Mirecourt and seems to have been quite successful and prolific. He moved to Paris in 1852 to work for J.B. Vuillaume, though his work for the shop is not easily distinguished from others bearing the Vuillaume brand. In 1855 he succumbed to ill health and died at the age of 34. His son Charles achieved significant success as a bowmaker in the late 19th Century. Read Less

Price History

- The auction record for this maker is $66,000 in Nov 2012, for a violin bow.
- 146 auction price results.

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Peccatte family tree


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