Antonio Stradivari, Cremona, 1717, the 'Bonamy Dobree, Suggia'

Cello: 41476

Bearing its original label, "Antonio Stradiuarius Cremonensis / Faciebat Anno 1717."

Back: Two-piece maple cut on the slab

Top: Of medium grain in the center, widening to broad grain on the flanks

Scroll: Of faint curl

Varnish: Reddish-orange

Length of back: 75.8 cm

Upper bouts: 33.8 cm

Middle bouts: 22.75 cm

Lower bouts: 43.3 cm

There are 9 additional images in the archive which are not available publicly. Please contact us for more information.


in 1875 Bonamy Dobree
until 1887 W. E. Hill & Sons
1887-1902 Ernest Illingworth Holden
until c. 1919 Hudson & Kearns
c. 1919-1950 Guilhermina Suggia
until 1951 Royal Academy of Music, London
1951-1958 Edmund Kurtz
in 1958 Sold by Rembert Wurlitzer Inc.
from 1958 Samuel L. Crocker
in 1961 Samuel L. Crocker
in 1966 Rolf Habisreutinger
... ...
in 2020 Stiftung Habisreutinger-Huggler-Coray

Known players

Anastasia Kobekina, Edmund Kurtz, Guilhermina Suggia, Jules Bernard Lasserre, Maja Weber, Sol Gabetta


  • Alte Meistergeigen: Band III und IV, Die Cremoneser Schule / Antonius Stradivarius, Verband Schweizerischer Geigenbaumeister, Verlag Edwin Bochinsky, Frankfurt am Main (illustrated)
  • Antonio Stradivari and His Instruments, William Henley, Amati Publishing, Ltd., Sussex, 1961 (illustrated)
  • Antonio Stradivari: His Life & Work (1644-1737), W. Henry, Arthur F. & Alfred E. Hill, William E. Hill & Sons, London, 1902
  • Antonius Stradivarius (Volumes I-IV), Jost Thöne, Jan Röhrmann, Alessandra Barabaschi, Jost Thöne Verlag, Cologne, 2010 (illustrated)
  • Historic women performers: Guilhermina Suggia, Cozio Carteggio feature, Alessandra Barabaschi, March 7, 2018
  • How Many Strads?, 1999
  • Playing Second Fiddle to Their Instruments, January 23, 2009
  • Private Archives - 10842
  • Stradivari Varnish: Scientific Analysis of his Finishing Technique on Selected Instruments, Brigitte Brandmair & Stefan-Peter Greiner (illustrated)
  • The Jacques Français Rare Violins, Inc. Photographic Archive and Business Records, 1844-1998, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC (illustrated)
  • The Strad, November, 1950, London (illustrated)
  • Violin Iconography of Antonio Stradivari 1644-1737, Herbert K. Goodkind, Larchmont, NY (illustrated)
  • The ‘Bonamy Dobrée, Suggia’ Stradivari cello, Cozio Carteggio feature, Alessandra Barabaschi, March 7, 2018
  • W. E. Hill & Sons Photographic Archive (illustrated)
  • We Love Stradivari, NHK (illustrated)


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