Jean-Baptiste Vuillaume, Paris, 1842

Violin: 67024

Labeled, "Jean Baptiste Vuillaume à Paris, Rue Croix des Petits Champs."

Inscribed to the inside back: 1641

Back: in two pieces of quarter-sawn maple with flame of medium width ascending from the centre joint.

Top: in two pieces of spruce with medium width grain widening slightly to the edges.

Scroll: of similar wood.

Ribs: of similar wood.

Varnish: of an orange brown colour over a golden ground.

Length of back: 35.8 cm

Upper bouts: 16.8cm

Middle bouts: 11.2cm

Lower bouts: 20.8cm

There is 1 additional image in the archive which is not available publicly. Please contact us for more information.


until 2014 Anonymous
in 2014 Sold by Tarisio Private Sales
from 2014 Current owner


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