Carlo Antonio Tanegia, Milan, 1736

Violin: 59997

Back: cut on the slab

There are 12 additional images in the archive which are not available publicly. Please contact us for more information.


"Violin brought in by Mr. Millard on the 28th July, 1952, bearing label Carolus Antonius Tauegia, Milan, 1736. Label looks authentic and there is a second label underneath. (See nots in photo book). The head is not in character, probably not original. Slab back, faint curl. Extensive worm traces below centre. Very bad horizontal trace to right lower corner of centre. Varnish brownish. Rather dry in C. ? Venetian. Sound holes very unusual. See photo reference D.52. C fairly deep after Bergonzi. Lower corners turn sharply back like Landolfi. Model and general outline Stradivari pattern."

W. E. Hill & Sons Photographic Archive, W. E. Hill & Sons Photographic Archive


  • W. E. Hill & Sons Photographic Archive (illustrated)


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