Browse the Cozio Archive

Charles F. Edler


To see details about an instrument, click on the ID in the table below.

ID Type Maker Year Name
24222 Violin Antonio Stradivari 1721 Lady Blunt
40282 Cello Antonio Stradivari 1719 Becker, Duke of Marlborough
40402 Violin Bartolomeo Giuseppe Guarneri 1736-7 Pugnani
41312 Violin Antonio Stradivari 1701 Circle, Nachez
41314 Violin Antonio Stradivari 1702 Lukens, Edler, Voicu
41514 Violin Antonio Stradivari 1723 Edler, McCormack, Healy
41571 Violin Antonio Stradivari 1734 Willemotte
42362 Violin Andrea Amati 1566 Charles IX of France
43102 Violin Antonio Stradivari 1728 Artot, Alard
43826 Violin Bartolomeo Giuseppe Guarneri 1734 Ferni, duc de Camposelice
59446 Bass Viol Jacob Stainer 1673


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